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Vertalo Integrates Insurance Software ‘TigerMark’ by Assurely

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Product Integration

Today, digital securities specialists, Vertalo, and Insurance specialists, Assurely, have announced the formation of a strategic partnership.  This alliance will see Vertalo integrate software, known as TigerMark, into their platform.

The integration will provide Vertalo clients with increased security, as they will now have the option to insure DSOs taking place on the platform.


This product, formerly known as ‘CrowdProtector’, functions with two primary goals aimed toward the tokenization process.

  • Protect Token Issuers
    • Regardless of how well thought out, and structured, a DSO may be, there always remains the potential for an investor to become disillusioned with a company. TigerMark protects token issuers from potential lawsuits brought forth by said investors.
  • Protect Token Investors
    • One of the main draws towards DSO/STOs, is the oversight and necessary compliance with regulations. TigerMark works to protect investors, by ensuring that token issuers remain in line, and transparent with their regulatory obligations.


The CEO of each Vertalo, and Assurely, took the time upon announcing their partnership, to comment on the development. The following is what each had to say on how the sector will benefit from this move.

Dave Hendricks, CEO of Vertalo, stated,

“Mainstream adoption of digital assets has been hindered by complicated token issuances and wallets designed for experts, leaving many waiting on the sidelines for a better user experience. Because of usability challenges and sub-par offerings, most investors haven't had the confidence to invest in new digital offerings, despite their promised gains and liquidity. Through Vertalo's partnership and integration with Assurely, both issuers and investors can now have more confidence that their investments in these new digital instruments are backed by the power of insurance, protected against simple administrative errors or unfortunate malfeasance.”

David Carpentier, CEO of Assurely, stated,

“Partnering with Vertalo is a significant step the digital assets industry and for Assurely Integrating our products and process with Vertalo allows us to continue to increase the trust, confidence, and safety of investing in digital assets.  We are able to deploy an instantaneous, automated, and application-free insurance purchasing process that customizes risk products to what is needed, when it is needed.  It is a powerful partnership and we are thrilled to contribute to Vertalo's mission of advancing this industry for the benefit of all stakeholders involved.”

Speaking with Dave

We were recently fortunate to have completed an exclusive interview with Vertalo CEO, Dave Hendricks. In this discussion, Dave touches on various aspects of Vertalo and their suite of services. Check out the interview below to learn more about the company and their offerings.

Interview Series – Dave Hendricks, CEO of Vertalo


Founded in 2017, Vertalo is a Texas based company. While this young company began their journey into digital securities as ‘cap-table’ specialists, their purview has continued to grow through software development, and the forging of various strategic partnerships.

CEO, Dave Hendricks, currently oversees company operations.


Founded in 2016, Assurely maintains headquarters in New York. In the time since their formation, the company has strived to provide products which merge traditional insurance options with blockchain technologies.

CEO, David Carpentier, currently oversees company operations.

In Other News

For those looking to learn a bit more about TigerMark, make sure to check out this following article. TigerMark was originally released under the name ‘CrowdProtector’. While the name has changed, the mission has not, and as seen here today, adoption is beginning to occur.

Assurely Presents the ‘CrowdProtector’