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The Dusk Network to Host ‘BWRE’ Security Token Offering Once Live

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Dusk Foundation

The Dusk Foundation has announced the first company that will be utilizing their services. This company, Black Wizard Real Estate (BWRE), will be hosting an STO of their own once the Dusk Network goes live in the coming months.

The Dusk foundation was founded in 2018, and is based out of Amsterdam. Above all, with an eye on both confidentiality and regulatory compliance, the team at the Dusk Foundation set out to create a product tailored towards digital securities. The end product is the Dusk Network.

This network utilizes a unique means of consensus known as SBA, making it well suited for hosting STOs.

Jelle Pol acts as the business lead on the Dusk Network. Pol spoke on the potential of Dusk, and their upcoming offerings. Pol stated, “Although Dusk is a protocol play we have chosen to help the first few propositions to market through our digital asset hub. We are extremely keen to showcase what Dusk Network can do as a layer 0, and really see working together with parties like BWRE as a great kickstart to our ecosystem. We cannot wait to see more platforms use Dusk as an underlying protocol.’’

Black Wizard Real Estate

This company was founded in 2016, and is based out of Malta.  As stated, the BWRE STO stands to be the first hosted by the Dusk Network.

CEO, Emanuele Carboni, is leading the company to develop its first tokenized real estate fund. This fund will find undervalued properties within Malta. It will then develop these properties into short-term rentals – capitalizing on the large tourism industry within the nation.

Carboni commented on the use of the Dusk Network. He stated, “It is a joy to be able to offer a tokenized real estate business that focuses on the blockchain island Malta, which has always been a place of technological and regulatory innovation. This attitude, combined with the liquidity and cost benefits are exactly why I chose to STO on top of Dusk Network’’.

Making Waves

News of BWRE utilizing the Dusk Network comes after multiple developments within the last two months.

Beginning in November, the Dusk Network, themselves, held an ICO on IFINEX. At that time, sale of their DUSK token took place. This token will eventually serve as an in-network currency to support various actions.

In the time since this sale, we have seen the Dusk Network announce investments by both Maven 11 and Olymp Capital.

European Market Heating Up

Much attention has been paid to various companies popping up within North America.  Meanwhile, a flurry of development has also been occurring within Europe. The Dusk Network represents one of many companies looking to gain a foothold on the Security Tokens sector within the continent. Arguably, the most well-known of these companies would be NeuFund, a Germany based Blockchain Company that is slotted to host many upcoming STOs.

Joshua Stoner is a multi-faceted working professional. He has a great interest in the revolutionary 'blockchain' technology.