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Investing In Bluzelle (BLZ) – Everything You Need to Know

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Bluzelle (BLZ) is an all-inclusive blockchain-based GameFi ecosystem. The network combines a distributed database, play-to-earn gaming, and DeFi functionalities to enable users to earn and secure their crypto. The goal of the project is to drive NFT adoption and gaming integration to new heights and enable users to secure passive rewards using their in-game assets.

Bluzelle is an ideal example of a GameFi protocol. The network combines finance and gaming into an easy-to-use package that is both developer-centric and intuitive for new users. Notably, Bluzelle has seen considerable adoption lately as it’s well suited for use in the metaverse.

A metaverse is a digital 3D environment that enables users to build their own 3D environments within it. The concept has seen considerable media coverage as of late as major tech firms like Microsoft and Facebook have spent millions on developing their metaverses. As such, Bluzelle has seen growing interest from investors and developers alike.

Bluzelle (BLZ) - Twitter

Bluzelle (BLZ) – Twitter

What Problems Does Bluzelle (BLZ) Solve?

There are a lot of problems that Bluzelle helps to fix. For one, it reduces the chance of loss or theft of your in-game NFTs. The protocol was built from the ground up to protect users' intellectual property. Creators can develop music, movies, research, or platforms and save their data on Bluzelle with confidence.

The protocol keeps this data encrypted and stored in redundancy across the network nodes. This approach improves security by removing the single point of failure from the equation. It also improves data retrieval times as multiple nodes can deliver the information simultaneously.

Dapp Developers

One of the biggest issues that Bluzelle helps to alleviate is developer storage woes. When you create a Dapp, you have to keep the Dapp data stored on a blockchain. Depending on the network, utilizing this data or executing smart contracts can be time-consuming and expensive.

Bluzelle introduces a distributed infrastructure that provides Dapps with fast and scalable access to databases. The system is optimized to ensure that this data is managed, stored, and delivered in the most efficient manner possible. This strategy provides Dapp users with a more immersive and positive experience.


Scalability concerns continue to plague the market. Ethereum has suffered from these issues for years as the network expanded. Today, Ethereum is a massive ecosystem that encompasses over 200,000 tokens and platforms. This congestion has slowed the network's performance considerably. This scenario is a real problem when you consider Ethereum can only handle around 13-15 TPS (transactions per second).

Bluzelle (BLZ) - Games

Bluzelle (BLZ) – Games

Bluzelle provides developers with a better option to consider. The network leverages the Cosmos (ATOM) interchain protocol which enables it to reach a transaction throughput rate of 10,000 TPS. This scalability provides the network with lower fees and faster transactions times. It also ensures that Bluzelle is able to grow alongside the budding play-to-earn sector.

Benefits of Bluzelle (BLZ)

Bluzelle's approach provides users with some benefits worth mentioning. For one, the network successfully integrates the sharing and token economies in a seamless manner. Players and developers can enjoy unrestricted access to their data. The system is set up in a way to prevent any downtime which makes it the perfect solution for popular DeFi platforms and games entering the market.

High-Quality Games

The development team behind Bluzelle seeks to improve the quality of blockchain-based games available to users today. The developers want to integrate AAA-level gaming into the GameFi sector. AAA games are the top-tier games in the world. Ubisoft, EAsports, and Microsoft Studios are all AAA-rated studios.


One of the biggest advantages that Bluzelle users obtain is access to easy passive income streams. The protocol enables anyone to rent out their unused computer space. Additionally, gamers gain the ability to leverage DeFi yield protocols and earn more. The system enables you to secure low-risk passive rewards by staking or participating in other network activities. Validators and delegators also receive rewards for their efforts.

How Does Bluzelle (BLZ) Work

Bluzelle provides scalability, security, and its feature set due to the use of the advanced fourth-generation Cosmos (ATOM) blockchain. This network is much faster than Ethereum. It provides users and developers with a more cost-effective solution. Bluzelle users can rent out their computer storage space to earn profits. Developers, researchers, content creators, and more can rent this space out for far cheaper than using centralized cloud services such as Amazon's AWS. The cost savings can go directly into improving the titles and their development cycles. In the end, everybody enjoys a smoother and more profitable process.

BLZ - CoinGecko

BLZ – CoinGecko


The main utility token for Bluzelle is BLZ. This versatile digital asset can be used to pay for transactions, storage, and voting rights. Users must hold BLZ to interact with the network's DeFi features. You can also use this token like a normal cryptocurrency. It can be sent internationally for pennies and in a permissionless manner.

History of Bluzelle (BLZ)

Bluzelle entered the market in January 2018 as a distributed storage network. The protocol is owned by BLUZELLE NETWORKS PTE LTD. Recently, the protocol received a major boost after it became the native token for the Denomination NFT-based card game. These actions helped cement the protocol as a pioneering force in the market.

How to Buy Bluzelle (BLZ)

Bluzelle (BLZ) is available on the following exchanges:

Uphold – This is one of the top exchanges for United States & UK residents that offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies. Germany & Netherlands are prohibited.

Kraken – Founded in 2011, Kraken is one of the most trusted names in the industry with over 9,000,000 users, and over $207 billion in quarterly trading volume.

The Kraken exchange offers trading access to over 190 countries including Australia, Canada, Europe, and is our most recommend exchange for USA residents. (Excluding New York & Washington state)

Binance – Accepts Australia, Singapore, and most of the world. Canadian & USA residents are prohibited. Use Discount Code: EE59L0QP for 10% cashback on all trading fees.  

WazirX – This exchange is part of the Binance Group, which ensures a high standard of quality.  It is the best exchange for residents of India.

Uphold Disclaimer: Terms Apply. Cryptoassets are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong..

Bluzelle (BLZ) – GameFi Continues to Improve

Bluzelle users save on fees and enjoy a responsive gaming experience. They also can stake their tokens and secure even more rewards. These features, combined with the openness and low costs of the network make it a smart option to consider moving forward. For now, you can expect to hear more from Bluzelle as the network expands its gaming community in the coming weeks.

David Hamilton is a full-time journalist and a long-time bitcoinist. He specializes in writing articles on the blockchain. His articles have been published in multiple bitcoin publications including