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Slice RE – A New Class of Real Estate Investments

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Who is Slice RE?

Slice RE is a company founded in early 2018.  They are based out of Hollywood, California, and specialize in real estate investments.

Through the use of a security token, they are able to cater to cross-border investors, while providing high liquidity, and easy access.

What is the problem?

Land is one of the few commodities that they aren’t making anymore of.  It is traditionally a great store of value, and can provide investors with high returns.  Unfortunately, most real estate represents a longer term investment.

In addition to a lack of liquidity, ownership of prime real estate is simply out of reach for most investors.  As the old adage goes, ‘the rich get richer’.  Opportunities are often restricted to accredited investors that have the luxury of contributing large sums of money.

How can real estate investments evolve to offer both liquidity and democratization among investors?

How will they solve it?

Slice RE is aptly named.  They are offering a platform that will give investors the opportunity to own a slice of a piece of real estate.  This type of fractionalized ownership, made possible through a security token, is quickly becoming popular.

The proposed platform, soon to be released by Slice RE, offers investors various structuring on their money.  There are those who may opt for large development projects, that results in infrequent lump sum dividends.  Or there are those who may choose to direct their investments into the purchase of rental properties.  These investors will be the recipient of regular dividends from the profits realized by rental units.  Regardless of your preference on dividend payouts, token value will also increase alongside the natural growth in property value.

An intriguing aspect of Slice RE is that through the use of blockchain, they are opening up high-end RE investing to a new class of investors.  In doing so, they are democratizing real estate investing, by providing the same opportunities to everyone.  Traditionally a platform such as this would be restricted to accredited investors only.  Slice RE, however, is open to anyone willing to invest a minimum of $10,000.

Breaking it down simply

On their website, Slice RE breaks down the investment process into 5 simple steps.

  1. Sign-Up
    1. Complete the necessary KYC and AML process
  2. Indicate a desired investment style
    1. Low/medium/high aggressiveness.  Then purchase shares in appropriate properties listed on the platform.
  3. Receive Tokens
    1. After purchasing shares in a property, the investor will receive both a certificate of ownership and digital tokens, with each representing a share itself.
  4. Make Money
    1. By holding tokens, investors will receive dividends from profit on the investment.  Frequency depends on the type of investment made.
  5. Trade
    1. For investors looking to cash out some or all of their holdings, for any reason, can trade their tokens.  This instant liquidity is offered by various exchanges such as OpenFinance.


Those running Slice RE have a vast amount of experience in the real estate industry.  Below are those at the helm of the ship.

Ari Shpanya – Founder & CEO

Yev Spektor – CTO

Tomer Ravid – CIO

Matar Perry – Investor Relations Officer

Omer Ansel – Head of Product

Thomas Ghaney – Head of Real Estate

Next up?

Slice RE is not yet available.  For those interested in the company, early access to the product can be requested on their website.

After launch, to facilitate the promised liquidity for investors, Slice RE will be turning to secondary markets.  Listings on platforms such as OpenFinance, and tZERO will be key in attaining this goal.

Look for further information to be released by Slice RE in the near future regarding the structuring of their to-be-launched platform.

Joshua Stoner is a multi-faceted working professional. He has a great interest in the revolutionary 'blockchain' technology.