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Investing In Oasis Network (ROSE) – Everything You Need to Know

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The Oasis Network (ROSE) combines a programmable blockchain, confidential computing technology, and a custom-built cryptocurrency. The network is unique in many ways. Primarily, the developers put an emphasis on privacy protocols and the introduction of Paratimes.

The Oasis Network enables DeFi developers to build more robust applications because they can better control sensitive information. In this way, the platform seeks to empower developers to create a robust ecosystem of next-gen DeFi and Web 3.0 protocols.

What Problems Does the Oasis Network (ROSE) Solve?

The Oasis Network wants to solve some pressing issues in the market today. For one, the protocol addresses one of the main drawbacks of DeFi, a lack of privacy. The protocol alleviates privacy concerns in a variety of different ways. One of the most effective methods introduced by developers is confidential smart contracts.

The Oasis Network (ROSE) - Homepage

The Oasis Network (ROSE) – Homepage


Another major concern that continues to plague the DeFi sector is network congestion. Early DeFi networks like Ethereum continue to experience high fees and slow transactions due to their technical structure. The Oasis Network provides more scalability, low latency, and lower fees, by separating execution from consensus.

The network introduces a second layer called ParaTimes to make this process possible. Notably, Paratimes can process transactions in parallel which improves the network's transaction throughput further. As such, The  Oasis Network's approach is more efficient than other methods in use today such as sharding.

Data Control

In today's market, your data is valuable. Platforms such as Facebook siphon off of your personal data and sell it to the highest bidder. In exchange, you receive less privacy with a slightly customized user experience. The Oasis Network puts regular users back in control with Tokenized Data.

This new type of digital asset enables you to control all of the data you generate. You can then choose what to do with this information. For example, you can sell your data on the marketplace to firms seeking out this information. You can also monetize your data via staking protocols and more. In this way, the Oasis Network flips the traditional business model on its head and accomplishes its goal to help regular users gain more from their Web 3.0 experience.

Benefits of the Oasis Network (ROSE)

There are many benefits that Oasis Network users gain. For one, the network is ideally suited to handle complex processes and heavy workloads. These capabilities provide the network with an excellent selection of use cases. They also improve its future upgradability.

Oasis Network (ROSE) Features

Oasis Network (ROSE) Features


The added privacy given to users and developers is one of the main benefits of the Oasis Network. The protocol takes a privacy-first design which empowers developers to create financial applications to serve the masses. This strategy opens the door for traditional financial networks to integrate DeFi features into their offerings as well.

Passive Income

There are a couple of different ways to secure passive rewards using Oasis. The network supports both farming and staking as low-risk wealth generation strategies. Both of these options enable users to create rewards without giving up ownership of their assets.

How Does the Oasis Network (ROSE) Work?

The Oasis Network is able to provide its features to the market due to its secure architecture. The protocol's use of tokenized data changes the game and provides the average user with more control. It also gives developers the tools they need to create more productive and secure alternatives to the status quo.

The Oasis Network (ROSE) - Twitter

The Oasis Network (ROSE) – Twitter

Oasis Network (ROSE) ParaTimes

At the core of this digital revolution is ParaTimes. ParaTimes provide separate run time environments for smart contract execution. Notably, anyone can develop and build a ParaTime. Their flexibility makes it easier to build these environments to meet the needs of a specific application

There is a small fee paid in the network's utility token ROSE for these actions. ParaTimes are a real game-changer. They enable developers to create more secure applications that leverage enterprise-grade cryptography to keep data confidential. Best of all, since multiple ParaTimes can process transactions in parallel they provide the Oasis Network with near-endless scalability.


Oasis users can earn rewards by staking their data. This data gets staked users that want to analyze that information. Your analytics are valuable and the Oasis Network enables you to unlock that value in a secure peer-to-peer manner.


ROSE holders can farm their tokens and secure rewards using the ROSE Garden. Farming is like staking in that you will need to deposit crypto into a large smart contract. Farming differs from staking because the APY changes daily and there are no lockup periods. Consequently, there are no early withdrawal penalties like staking protocols. The Oasis ROSE Garden was made possible through a collaboration with CoinList.

Oasis Network (ROSE) Consensus

The Oasis Network leverages a BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerant) PoS (proof-of-Stake) consensus mechanism called Tindermint. This system provides the network with high security and scalability. Anyone can become a node and do their part to validate transactions and execute smart contracts. For your service, you receive rewards in the form of ROSE tokens. You can then stake or farm these tokens to create more profits.

ROSE - Coingecko

ROSE – Coingecko


ROSE is the main utility token of the network. It is used to pay transaction fees, staking, and trading. Users can delegate their ROSE tokens and earn rewards. Notably, has a capped supply of 10 billion tokens.

Oasis Network (ROSE) Developer tools

The Oasis Network invites third-party developers to build on the ecosystem and improve the user experience. You can become a part of the network as a user, developer, enterprise partner, ambassador, or even as a supporter helping spread the word on global social channels.

How to Buy Oasis Network (ROSE)

Oasis Network (ROSE) is available on the following exchanges:

Uphold – This is one of the top exchanges for United States & UK residents that offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies. Germany & Netherlands are prohibited.

Uphold Disclaimer: Terms Apply. Cryptoassets are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong..

KuCoin – This exchange currently offers cryptocurrency trading of over 300 other popular tokens.  It is often the first to offer buying opportunities for new tokens.  This exchange currently accepts International & United States residents.

WazirX – This exchange is part of the Binance Group, which ensures a high standard of quality.  It is the best exchange for residents of India.

The Oasis Network (ROSE) – Scalability, Security, and Efficiency in a Customizable Package

The Oasis Network brings some serious advantages to the market. The platform's flexibility and privacy-focused approach alleviate some major pain points for DeFi developers and users. As such, you can expect to hear a lot more from this project in the coming weeks as more users take advantage of its unique feature set.

David Hamilton is a full-time journalist and a long-time bitcoinist. He specializes in writing articles on the blockchain. His articles have been published in multiple bitcoin publications including