How CES 2025’s Robots Are Set to Shape the Future of Work, Health, and Home Living is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Trading involves risk which may result in the loss of capital.

This year's CES 2025 convention featured some of the most advanced robots. From concepts to commercially available options, there was no shortage of innovative robotic technology on display. Here are a few of the coolest robotics at CES 2025 and how they could reshape your daily life.
Delivery Bots
The first on the list are delivery bots. These popular last-mile autonomous delivery vehicles have become a simple way for businesses to connect with clientele and engage in new ways. Delivery bots can take on tasks like short-term deliveries and more, offering businesses a safe and contactless option that saves money and the environment. Sustainability comes mainly from not using a 2-ton vehicle to deliver an item that may only be 2 pounds.
Mobinn is a next-gen delivery bot that has some really cool features that make it stand out against the competition. For one, it has a self-leveling box design that ensures the delivered material remains upright and level. This approach makes it ideal for food and beverage delivery, where sudden shifts can result in a messed-up meal.

Source – Mobinn
Another cool feature of Mobinn is its stair-climbing wheelbase. The machine integrates a compliant wheel setup that can adjust to climb stairs to make deliveries to any floor. This feature greatly expands the usability and accessibility of the delivery robot series.
Ottobot is another delivery bot that caught the attention of onlookers at CES 2025. This automated device can navigate local neighborhoods, even during heavily crowded times. The unit integrates advanced situational awareness via cameras and sensors, allowing it to be aware of potential obstacles in real-time.
Ottobox showcased its latest partnership with the public locker network Harbor Locker. Harbor Locker is the first public locker network to offer its services to the public. The integration opens the door for both companies to expand and share user bases and features. Notably, the upgraded Ottobot features added support features designed to enhance the customer experience.
There's no shortage of robots dedicated to helping patients make the most of their situation or recovery. Robotics continues to innovate the healthcare industry in multiple ways. From surgical bots to robots designed to help those with dementia, CES has a selection of future tech that can reshape how we treat ailments.
The Glidance self-guiding robot assistant was a showstopper. The device is meant to be wheeled in front of visually impaired individuals like an advanced walking cane. It can navigate complex environments and notify its owner of upcoming risks or situations. Best of all, it’s affordable compared to other options.
Glidance features advanced sensors in both the handle and base that let the robot know its environment and if it's being handled. Additionally, they enable the device to guide those without sight through situations where the environment is changing rapidly, like a busy street. Notably, Glidance is already set for release in a few months and received a CES 2024 Innovation Award.
Industrial Sector
It's no secret that manufacturers have long wanted to robotize their workforce. The industrial sector has seen major robot integration over the last 20 years, and analysts predict the trend will increase even faster due to advancements in AI and battery technology. Here's a sneak peek at some of the industrial robots that may one day build your home or assist in packaging your sensitive items.
Hyundai isn't known for its construction equipment in the US, but in parts of Asia, it has a significant market share. The company plans to expand that share with its latest Construction Xite tractor concept. The device features a massive land-moving bucket that stood over 10ft tall at their demo booth. In the future, autonomous construction vehicles will make building sites safer and easier to manage.
Bobcat Rogue X2
The Bobcat Rogue X2 is another autonomous construction vehicle that’s worth mentioning. The autonomous robot is capable of land-moving operations. It integrates Bobcat's proven engineering to create a highly capable device that can be preset to conduct autonomous construction tasks.
Even though the device is still only a demo, the concept has many people excited. The Rogue X2 features a fully electric powertrain and AI-assisted autonomy. Also, its wheeled base can be changed to tracks if needed, making it suitable for use in construction, mining, and agriculture.
The company Fingervision wants to give robots the sensitivity and agility of a human hand. To accomplish this task, the engineers have introduced a novel camera system. The system integrates cameras into transparent fingers. The cameras then track changes in the item being picked up based on pressure.
During a demo, the robot successfully picked up soft flowers and moved them into different arrangements without damage. The booth showed a screen that allowed viewers to see exactly how the system operated. Whenever changes were made from the original image due to pressure, the screen would mark the changes with a red dot. Then, the arm would adjust accordingly to prevent damage.
This strategy makes sense, as soft materials will bend or morph due to the pressure required to pick them up. As such, this method of controlling grip strength opens the door for advanced applications where sensitivity is crucial to success.
Unitree H1 Humanoid Robot
In terms of live demos, the Unitree H1 Humanoid Robot was a crowd favorite. This bipedal device was constantly walking around the show greeting people. The robot opens the door for some cool applications. For one, it has a remote control that allows a user to navigate it like a drone.

Source – Unitree
There are present animations like shaking hands or waving goodbye that allow the operator to control the bot with a single press of a button. The H1 stands at around 4 ft and weighs 150 lbs, making it ultra-portable for industrial users. It's packed with advanced sensors including depth sensors and LiDAR, enabling it to ascertain its situation and environment in real-time.
G2 Robotic Dog
Unitree also showcased its G2 robotic dog. This advanced four-legged robot can dance, fetch, and run a variety of errands ranging from proximity security patrols to search and rescue missions. The G2 robot has a design that’s reminiscent of the Boston Dynamics robotic dog. However, it's more affordable and features multiple configurations, including one with wheeled legs.
Enchanted Tools
Enchanted Tools introduced its Mirokaï robot platform. This device is packed with proprietary features that help it stand out against all the other robots. For one, the device features a digital screen that displays an elf-like face that can show real-time emotions based on the situation. Notably, the use of a screen opens the door for more facial expressions and other ways of communicating.
Mirokaï was designed as a hospital and nurse assistant. It can effectively bring supplies and other helpful items when called. The coolest feature of Mirokaï is its unique single-ball motor that allows the robot to achieve full 360 pivoting quickly and in tight spots.
Home Robotics
The world has seen a push for in-home robotics. Companies like iRobot have pioneered this market with their robot vacuums. Now, a host of other manufacturers want to step into the arena to make your home life more comfortable. From folding your clothes to patrolling the house, here are some cool robots that will help keep your home tidy.
Switchbot K20 + Pro
The Switchbot K20 +PRO builds on the robot vacuum concept with a modular platform that can be altered to suit a wide variety of needs. The robot is ideal for multitasking and can automatically adjust its setup when needed. The modular design has multiple configurations that allow it to vacuum, deliver food, purify air, lock smart doors, and much more.

Source – Switchbot
If you want a robotic home assistant, this device has a lot of options worth considering. It can vacuum, play with your pets, clean the air, and attachments like a small cooler to deliver icey beverages during the game. For those who love their robot vacuum, this may be the next upgrade to consider.
The autonomous lawn mower sector is popular in the EU and other parts of the world but is still pretty new in the US. You don’t see these devices that often but that may all change soon. This year's CES featured a host of innovative automated lawnmowers that can help you keep your yard looking immaculate all year around.
Navimow from Segway Robotics
The Navimo Wireless automated lawn mower series from Segway Robotics was one of the best options at the show. It has a sleek design and easy-to-use app that makes it simple to program your yard boundaries. You can even set up multiple yards and a pass-through point for the robot.
The advanced device is packed with sensors to determine the edge and any hazards along its route. Additionally, it can respond to changes in the environment like a pet or dropped item,adjusting its course to avoid damaging stuff. The robot is IP66 water resistant, mows quietly, and will automatically return to its charging station when not in use.
Social Robots
Social robots were another draw for CES goers. These robots are designed to interact with humans on a new level. They can provide companionship and help those suffering from loneliness. Social robots feature human-like faces and can communicate using LLMs, allowing for relaxed and engaging conversation.
Realbotix was a crowd-pleaser with its Aria Robot. This lifelike humanoid device was designed to look like a beautiful woman for the show but can fit any appearance. The unit features a motorized face and preset emotions that help it communicate via voice commands with users.
Some of the coolest features of this humanoid include the ability to create new faces and personalities. Feel like hanging out with another person? No problem. The Realbotix droid allows you to change personalities and appearance using a new face that has embedded IR sensors. This development highlights how robots are more akin to computers that can alter operating systems, opening the door for one bot to be endless people.
Ameca is another booth that had large crowds of people filming its humanoid bot. The Ameca bot is one of the most fluent and conversational in the world. The unit integrates many tiny servos to allow it to provide facial expressions and an LLM AI model that supports articulate conversations.
Robotic Pets
Robotic pets are another sector that engineers feel is set to expand in the coming years. As such, there was no shortage of robotic pets to play with and cuddle at the event. These digital friends came in all shapes and sizes, including puppy replicas and futuristic robotic designs.
Loona is a futuristic digital pet that resembles a robotic android. It can perform a ton of cool tasks and will interact with its owner differently than others, thanks to the integration of a facial recognition camera. Additionally, Luna has an optical avoidance system that allows it to come when called without running into items. Loona can fetch, bark, and complete other complex tasks via voice commands.
Tombot introduces an android dog called Jenny. This robotic puppy was designed to look and act like a young labrador retriever. It's packed with features designed to help those suffering from dementia and the elderly. As such, it can be set up to act differently depending on the patient's condition.

Source – Tombot
For example, if a patient has limited mobility, the robot can be set up to initiate interaction frequently rather than wait for the person. This feature is ideal for those who don’t like speaking as well. Jenny has a lot of different play modes, and she learns who her owner is and will only respond to her name.
CES 2025 – Robotics Coming to Your Living Room
The CES 2025 convention demonstrated the direction of robotics this year. You can see from the top-performing booths that people are very interested in robots for manufacturing and home usage. These devices continue to reflect this demand via better controls, AI integration, and more situational awareness. For now, it's cool to imagine how all of this tech could have a resounding effect on daily lives in the coming years.
Learn about other cool robotics now.