Artificial intelligence continues to push the boundaries of science and health exploration. From mapping proteins to neurological networks, these systems continue to make game-changing impacts on...
The Genomic Revolution Most of the progress in medicine and even agriculture in the last two decades has been on the back of the genomic revolution....
The history of using genes as a tool to treat humans goes back nearly five decades, marking a pivotal moment in medical science. In 1972, the...
The Genomic And Multi-omic Revolution The first human genome decoding started in 1990 and was first achieved in 2003. It also cost a staggering $3B. Fast...
The Old Therapeutic Method Until recently, most of the pharmaceutical industry has been focused on finding new chemical molecules that could be used as drugs. The...
A Crippling And Painful Disease Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a blood disease caused by a genetic mutation. This mutation creates abnormal hemoglobin, the oxygen protein...
Illumina (NYSE: ILMN) is a genomics company headquartered in San Diego. Founded in 1998, the company has become an industry leader through the development of genetic...
There's a new industry that is rising, that is promising to be as disruptive as AI and blockchain, that industry is genomics. With the benefit of...